Friday, October 19, 2012

the science of selling yourself short

I have come to the conclusion that it is real easy to lose who you are as an individual in this huge world and everything that is happening in it. I have lost who I am many times and it is really odd to have to rediscover who you are.

Hi I'm Naomi. I think I like to have friends, but I can't quite remember because I don't know who I am because I am so confused at how I got to this point in life.

The science of selling yourself short is in fact not a science. How easy is it to sell yourself short? VERY! It is without a doubt very easy to underestimate you abilities and make yourself mentally weaker. To diminish your own self-worth. Well thats not a challenge I havn't had.

The science of building yourself up, yet again not a science. But if you, like me have mastered the first part, than you need to learn about this part. Step one: surround yourself with awesome people just like you! Although you may think you are NOT awesome right now, there is definitely something or more than one thing that makes you super awesome. The second step is just admitting to yourself your totally guilty of the first part; you sold yourself short. I know it will be hard to let your low self-esteem and large amounts of insults you have grown accustomed to go. But trust me it's time.

Here's the reason! Once you get off of your high horse of being less than who you can be and constantly diminishing all your abilities, you infact can form relationships!

It's amazing! The more confidence and love you place on yourself will allow you to place love and trust and all kinds of feelings towards someone else. And once you can do that and form what may be your first healthy relationship. You are heading in the right track.

So jump out of your pool of self- pity and climb into the relaxing jacuzzi of self-love. In here you will find all the pleasantrys of your favorite things in life. It's like putting on your first set or prescription glasses and being able to see the definition in trees. WOW! There really are individual leaves up there it isn't actually one big blob like I have been seeing it my entire life.

I guess you have to find those amazing things out for yourself, expierence all of this things first hand. And I promise once you do, there will be no accompanying regrets.

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