Friday, November 4, 2011

judge of character

sometimes i can be difficult to judge someone's character and say specifically whether they have bad character or good. to me it is pretty simple. in fact i have come to face people who i would say have a bad character but are not bad people. i think it all has to do with the mindset. if you are set on always being the best/ doing the best and winning, you may have a bad character to me because you are not giving others a chance to win even if they are doing there best. life is definitely not always fair and i have learned that it isn't through life. so to say that people aren't fair goes hand in hand. there are rules we are supposed to follow in life and straying from these rules can lead to things happening that are bad. i just want to give these people a rude awakening and tell them they are being outrageous and seriously just playing in their own game. their own little world. where they seem to think they are the only one with feelings so if they are winning, happy, and doing their best always. then hey the world is alright and everyone must feel the same. well no. kindly putting it, not the case. people all think differently and that is why it is crucial that someone so arrogant in their actions and opinions controls them, says less. thinks a lot before they speak. cause it hurts. it digs into the pain or weaknesses people already are aware they have. makes them feel like nothing they do or try could ever be equivilant to this person. so then why bother. the character we each carry with us daily says everything about us that anyone needs to know. be careful, cause before you know it your saying more than you want to, showing everything even though you tried to hide your imperfections. but hey thats life. accept that people are different, but don't hate them for it.

check out this inspirational video :)

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